3. The Past: A Brief Overview
4. Computer science and engineering have a rich history that has shaped the field
into what it is today. Here are some key points from the past:
5. World War II and the Birth of Computing:a. During World War II, the United States invested heavily in science and
technology, leading to the development of early computers like ENIAC
(completed in 1946).
b. Government funding and strategic priorities drove rapid advancements in
transistorized technologies.
6. Moore's Law:
a. In 1965, Gordon Moore predicted that the number of transistors on an
integrated circuit would double every year while costs remained
constant. This prediction, known as Moore's Law, held true and
revolutionized computing power'.
7. The Present: Emerging Trends
8. Let's take a look at some of the current trends in computer science engineering:
9. Artificial Intelligence (AI):
a. Al continues to evolve, impacting various domains such as natural
language processing, computer vision, and robotics.
b. Researchers are working on making Al more explainable, ethical, and
10. Machine Learning and Deep Learning:
a. These fields are driving breakthroughs in areas like healthcare, finance,
and autonomous vehicles.
Advances in neural networks and model architectures are pushing the
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