II. INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text about Mrs. Hernandez last vacation. Then read the statements below and write into the parenthesis the correct number from 1 to 6 according to the sequence in the text. Last July, I went to Tijuana, Baja California Norte to visit my family. First, two weeks before my trip, I bought my ticket in an Airline called "Vacarte" in Villahermosa, Tabasco. A night before, I packed and slept at 11: 30. The day I had to travel, I got up at 4:00 o'clock in the morning. Next, I took a van and went to The 84 Inglés II COBATAB TABASCO "Educación que genera combi Guía didáctica del Estudiante International Airport of Villahermosa at 7:00 a.m. because my flight was at 9:45 a.m. from Villahermosa to Mexico City. Then, I took a connection flight at 1:45 p.m. from Mexico City to Tijuana. After 5 hours of flight, I arrived in Tijuana at 5:00 p.m. but in Tabasco it was an hour later because of the time difference. After that, I took a taxi to go to my sister's house. Later, we went to a sea food restaurant near Tijuana beach. We enjoyed the sunset and tried delicious dishes. It was the most beautiful experience I have ever had. We couldn't swim because the water is always cold there. Before leaving the restaurant, we took a lot of pictures to remember this place. The next day, we visited Ensenada port and bought some souvenirs for my family and friends in Tabasco. The view was fantastic. There were many people visiting the place and taking pictures. Finally, after a week, I said goodbye to my sister and her family and came back to Tabasco. I hope to go back to Tijuana next year. ' ) It was the most beautiful experience I have ever had. We couldn't swim because the water is always cold there. Before leaving the restaurant, we took a lot of pictures to remember this place. ) Then, I took a connection flight at 1:45 from Mexico City to Tijuana. 1 ' ) After that, I took a taxi to go to my sister's house. ) Later, we went to a sea food restaurant near Tijuana beach. We enjoyed the sunset and tried delicious dishes. It was the most beautiful experience. ) Next, I took a van and went to The International Airport of Villahermosa at 7:00 am because my flight was at 9:45 am from Villahermosa to Mexico City. ( ) First, I bought my ticket in an Airline called "Vacarte" in Villahermosa, Tabasco two weeks before my trip. Hernández, G. P. (2023). Reading: Mrs. Hernandez last vacation. Villahermosa, Tabasco, México.COBATAB EMSAD 19 III. INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text again and circle all the adverbs of time and connectors. Then write them down in each column. CONNECTORS OF SEQUENCES ADVERBS OF TIME​

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