
You are a student, ________________?
He isn't coming to the party, ______________?
She is very talented, ______________?
They are not ready yet, ______________ ?
I am late, ______________?
We aren't supposed to be here, ______________ ?
The weather is nice today, ______________?
This isn't your book, ______________?
You are not tired, ______________?
They are friends, ______________?
She isn't happy with the results, ______________?
He is a doctor, ______________?
We are not lost, ______________?
It is cold outside, ______________?
This isn't the right answer, ______________?
You are coming with us, ______________?
He isn't afraid of heights, ______________?
She is in her office, ______________?
They aren't going to the concert, ______________?
I am your friend, ______________?

ayudaaaA por favor es para mañana, por favor se los agradecería bastante enserio ​