
A Read the texts. Then circle the phrases to complete the sentences.
Hi Aunt Claire,
I have a problem. Could you help me?
There is a birthday party at a friend's house
on Friday night and I promised my friend I
would go. Now my parents want me to stay
home because my grandparents are coming.
I see my mom's parents every month. And I
really want to go to my friend's party. What
should I do, Aunt Claire?
I'm ANGRY at my parents
can't go to the party 'cause mom's
folks are coming
Type a message
1. Ana probably wrote the email to a teenage friend/ a friendly adult.
2. Ana probably wrote the text message to a teenage friend/ a friendly adult.
B Identify the parts of the texts in exercise A, and number them.
1. three emojis
2. an incomplete sentence with reductions and no punctuation
3. a word that closes the message respectfully
4. a complete sentence starting with a capital letter and with correct punctuation
5. the addressee (the person you're writing to)
6. the writer's name
C Discuss: What are the differences in style between both texts?
D Read the email again. You are Aunt Claire. Discuss what Ana should do. Write no more
than 70 words.
E You are Ana. Write a text message to a friend telling him/her about the party.
Write no more than 15 words.
F Review your texts. Did you use the correct style?

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