3. Lee el texto y elije la alternativa correspondiete.
At the Park
It is a sunny day, and many people are enjoying their time at the park. Sarah is reading a book under a large oak tree.
Nearby, two children are playing catch with a bright red ball. They are laughing and running around. An old man is sit
on a bench and feeding the birds. He is smiling as the birds gather around him.
A group of friends is having a picnic on the grass. They are eating sandwiches and talking about their plans for the
weekend. Some of them are lying down and looking at the sky. Not far from them, a couple is walking their dog. T
is wagging its tail and barking at the birds.
Near the pond, a young woman is painting a beautiful landscape. She is using bright colors and seems very focu
jogger is running around the pond, listening to music on his headphones. People are enjoying the day, and the
full of life.
1. Is Sarah reading a book under a large oak tree?
a) Yes, she is.
b) No, she isn't.
2. Are two children playing catch with a blue ball?
a) Yes, they are.
b) No, they aren't.
3. Is an old man sitting on a bench and feeding the birds?
a) Yes, he is.
b) No, he isn't.
4. Are the friends having a picnic on the grass?
a) Yes, they are.
b) No, they aren't.
5. Is the couple's dog wagging its tail and barking at the birds?
a) Yes, it is.
b) No, it isn't.
6. Is the young woman near the pond painting a beautiful landscape?
a) Yes, she is.
b) No, she isn't.
7. Is the jogger running around the pond and listening to music?
a) Yes, he is.
b) No, he isn't.