Complete the e-mail. Use the simple past tense and the past tense of be.
Hi, Lucille: Yesterday was very busy. In the morning, I
1 shave
the whole house all before 8:30. Then I
3 clean
4 work
to the weather report. The weather
8 talk
10 exercise
5 listen
grandchildren here. We
while her older brother Jason
in the garden. The other children
Marie and Jason. At the end of the day, my daughters, Lisa and Eve, came
warm, so I.
together for a while. Then little Marie
my teeth,
2 brush
until noon. After lunch,
all my
6 be
7 invite
the piano
9 play
11 check
e-mail while I
home, and they
12 watch
dinner for all of us. The kids
pasta, of course. Eve
13 cook
14 want
a big pot of water for the noodles. Lisa
the tomatoes for the salad. The
15 boil
16 wash
after dinner, and then we
to Marie and Jason sing. Brian
17 study
18 listen