5-Writing: complete the following dialogue using the adverbs more than once. already ever just never yet A Why are you smiling? B ve just found a €50 note! (find) 1 A have you a flight online? (book) B Yes, of course. I've done it loads of times. 2 A When are you going to buy a motorbike? B Soon. I have at redy Seved nearly €1,000, (save) 3 A you B No, sorry. I forgot. + A the electricity bill (pay) your parents you money? (lend) B Yes, but I paid it back as soon as I could. 5 A How does eBay work? BI don't know. I 6 A What are you celebrating? We 7 A Why haven't you got any money? BI last week. (spend) 8 A Would you like a coffee? B No, thanks. I 6- Speaking: it. (use) a prize in the lottery! (win) my salary. I bought a new tablet ALVEWORKSHEETS Write questions. Use Present Perfect with "ever". Look at the example (Escribe preguntas. Usa Presente Perfecto con "ever", Mira el ejemplo) 1. your country/win/ a soccer cup 2. you/organize/a costume party 3. your parents/fly/in a plane 4. you/visit/the USA S. your teacher/play/music in class meterlo Has your country ever won a soccer cup?​