Grammar 1 Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in Max Why don't we stop (take) the bus to 1 school? It's always late. Chris Fine. I prefer (cycle) anyway. Kiara I hope our teacher doesn't make (us / go) outside in this rain. Mum Maybe she'll allow (you / stay) indoors today. 3 Dan My dad's trying (learn) Spanish, but he's finding it hard. Geeta Why don't you suggest (use) that new language learning app? Lily Did you remember (invite) your cousin to the party on Saturday? Alex Yes, but I don't think he'll come - he doesn't enjoy (meet) new people. 5 Rose Our art teacher has asked (us / share) our coursework. Kamili I know - l've decided (put) mine on the school's social media page. 6 Ryan Is it true you've agreed (take part) in a 10 km race? George Yes, but now I regret (say) yes - I hate running!