
Kishan Shrikanth is 14 years old. He lives in India and
director! His new film is in cinemas in India this year. It's
called Care of Footpath.
Care of Footpath is very different from other Bollywood
films. It isn't a comedy or a musical. It's the story of a young
street child in Bangalore. Street children in India are very
poor. They live on the streets of big cities. Their lives are
very hard. They don't go to school and it's difficult for them
to change their lives.
Care of Footpath is very sad in the beginning but it has
a happy ending. The main character in the film is called
Slummu. Slummu has a dream. He wants to go to school
and study, but how? At the end of the film, Slummu's
dream comes true!
Kishan wants to help street children in India and other
countries. He says Care of Footpath is for street children all over
the world. The message of the film is 'nothing is impossible. At
the moment Kishan is making another film. It's about a group of
Indian teenagers and their different problems!

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