me puedes ayudar con una tarea es para mañana por favor y gracias de ingles

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a. Name and address of sender:
b. Name, company and address of recipient:
c. Opening salutation:
d. Opening paragraph (statement of purpose):
e.Supporting information:
f. Request for help:
g.Concluding paragraph:
h.Closing salutation:


•David Quiroga

Paso Verde School, Nóvita, Chocó

20 June 2018

•Ms Claire Smith

World Ecosystems Foundation

210 Manchester Street, London SW2 1TJ, United Kingdom

•Dear Ms Smith

•I'm writing to you about the illegal mining that happens in my community. We need to stop illegal mining now because it is affecting our environment and our health.

•Every day the industry throws large quantities of mercury and other chemicals into streams and rivers that are our sources of fresh water. According to the Mining and Energy Ministry's latest report, 35% of the protected area near the River Tamaña has now been eroded as a result of illegal mining activities. We are concerned about our health, deforestation and the destruction of local ecosystems in general.

•We would like to ask for your international support because we have heard about your initiatives and your commitment to helping communities like ours. We can all work together to make sure that there is a healthy environment for everyone.

•In conclusion, we strongly believe it is time to stop these activities before it is too late for the people and the environment. The area is a beautiful rainforest with amazing biodiversity, and it belongs to all of us.

•Yours sincerely.

David Quiroga

Eco-Warriors Youth Group

Paso Verde School​