the world's most populous country. This will be a massively mportant moment because India 6) ajis becoming blis going to become a major political power on the back ofits mumbers (CALLUM MCBRIDE, HUMAN GEOGRAPHER My profession 71 a)won't be existing/b) won't exist. We 8)alwill have destroyed/b) will destroy the fish Dopulation and ruined the industry by over-fishing. (STEPHEN KNOX, FISHERMAN) by 2030, we 9) a)will have developed b) will develop self growing organs that can be used by accident victims or patients with genetic diseases. In fact, this 10) alcould be b)could is a reality as early as 2020 (MARGARITA ORTAL MEDICAL BIOPHYSICIST) By 2030, we 11) a)will have be reading b) will have been reading books in some form for over 4,000 years, so think their complete demise is unlikely. They may get less popular, but they 12) ajaren't going to disappear bjare disappearing time soon. (ROGER LEVINE, PUBLISHER) B.- FILL THE GAPS WITH THE BEST CONNECTOR. 13. my warnings, he kept on smoking. a) Although, b) De

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