1. He catches the ball.
4. Mary tells the truth
5. He buys a new car
B. I see the stars in the sky
10. She begins her math classes
11. They learn the topic
2. He teaches science at school
5. He is a nice person
9. I bring enough money with me.
0. Sandra knows the answer
1. He sits on the bench
2. She becomes a ballerina
2. She hits her hand against the wall
3. He fights against the law.
6. I understand the homework
7. I hear this sound
9. We write poems of love
10. The snakes bite.
13. A plant that grows in shade.
14. She lets him go away.
16. John rides a horse
17. William chooses the winner
18. The teacher keeps calm.
19. Camilo blows the candles in his birthday.
Write the verbs of each sentence in past simple tense.