Museum trip
Students who have not booked this
trip should
come to school as
⚫ A Students not going on the trip cannot have a
day off school.
B Students have to decide today if they would
like to join the trip.
C Students going on the trip must come to
school first.
A Pay for tickets online before picking them upr
at school.
Concert tickets
Buy these on the school
website, then collect them
from the office
Hi Andy
I'm playing football
with Tom this
afternoon on the
field behind
Woodside School.
Do you want to come
too? Let me know.
B Check the website for information about
when tickets will be available.
C Let the office know soon if you are planning
to buy tickets.
What should Andy do?
A invite some friends to play football
B tell Jake if he can join him later
C show Tom where Woodside School is
Swimming Competition
To enter the races, you must be
able to swim more than 200 metres.
A Swimmers at all levels can enter this
B This competition is for people who can swim
over 200 metres.
C The races in the competition will be 200
metres long.