Complete with the correct tense, simple past, present perfect, or past progressive.
ago while I
(share) this story until today, but everything
(to be) on vacation with some friends. We
(happen) 6 years
a cabin in the mountains close to the capital in Turkey. Then, the first night while
(try) to sleep, we suddenly
(sound) like laughter. My friends
investigate. While we
(hear) a loud, funny noise that
(want) to go outside and
(get) ready to leave the cabin, a police officer
(knock) at our door. He explained that a hyena
(try) to enter the
cabins, but they had caught it. We
(go) back to sleep, and
a great time after that.

Complete with the correct tense simple past present perfect or past progressiveago while Iweshare this story until today but everythingto be on vacation with so class=