Read and listen to the debate. Work in pairs and identify the participants and the moderator. As a
class, analyze and deliberate what this part of the debate is about.
Tania: Right. Now Samuel and Andrea have read their
arguments. We will open the debate. Do any of you
want to add something?
Samuel: I just want to emphasize that in my opinion,
modern art is just as valuable as more traditional art.
People just need to understand it in context, in its
historical period.
Andrea: I disagree. It's quite the opposite. A good
work of art can be appreciated by itself without
having to understand anything.
Tania: Does anyone in the audience have an opinion?
Yes, Héctor.
Héctor: I agree with Andrea. You don't need to know
about history to appreciate the Mona Lisa.
Víctor: Yes, of course. I was saying there are many
modern works of art I appreciate because they are
beautiful and ...
Andrea: Yes, but you can't...
Tania: Just a moment Andrea, please. Let Víctor finish.
Víctor: What I wanted to say was that you don't
always need to understand something to like it.
Tania: Could you explain that, please? I didn't
Víctor: Well, it's like your favorite color or food,
for example, you just know you like them. There are
things you don't need to understand to like them.
Samuel: Absolutely! Modem art, like any new thing
or change, causes shock, but just like we eventually
Andrea: Exactly! But most modern art is impossible to accept a new fashion in clothing, the same with
Tania: Yes, Víctor. Do you want to say something?
Victor: What Andrea is saying is not exactly true.
There are many modern works of art...
Tania: Sorry, Victor. Could you repeat your idea and
speak a bit louder, please?
modern art.
Tania: OK, so far, we have heard people who don't
like modern art because it is necessary to understand
it and others say it can be appreciated like
traditional art if we know more about it.
Does anyone have another opinion?
2 19 Read the headings of the table. Then listen to the debate again and sort the expressions in the
table. Identify more expressions and add them to the table.
Expression to say that you think the same as
someone else.
Expression to say that you don't think the same
as someone else.
Expressions to interrupt
Expression to ask someone to repeat
Expression to restore communication
Expression to have someone respect their turn
Academic and Educational

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