Innovative ideas
Fill in the blank with the simple past tense form of the verb. Use the word bank.
# Did you do the history homework?
Hanuet Yes, I did. I like it! |_
some very interesting information in internet.
Tito: What did you find?
I. that man that invented and created the Coca-Cola
was a pharmacist.
Rita: What did he do?
Manuel :John Pemberton.
conceived as a medicinal drink.
Because he.
digestion problems.
And he
the world of Coke.
the Coca Cola, at the beginning
to create a syrup against the
was the most famous secret formula in
* In what year did this dream begin?
Manuel In 1886.
Besides, in 1891 The Coca-Cola Company was
by the also pharmacist Asa G. Candler, his brother John S. Candler
and Frank Robinson. Two years later they registered the trademark
in the United States Industrial Property Registry Office.