Responder los espacios 1. always brings his notebook to class because mine and lent me is very organized. One day, I forgot 2. María and Juan have a dog. Sometimes, I also walk with take care of it a lot and always go for a walk with and their dog. 3. to is studying for the exam, but does not understand this question. Could you explain 4. Yesterday I saw Ana in the park. like reading a lot, can I see was reading a book. I approached and said to book?" 5. My friends and I have tickets for the concert. can give because I have two. are going together. If you need a ticket, I 6. When Pedro and Marta traveled to Spain, took their son with traveled abroad. It was the first time 7. to forgot umbrella at home and it started to rain. Fortunately, I had and could lend it 8. The students are giving a presentation. ready to show it. Could you help them with have worked very hard on ? project and are