The rise of robots in our near future is (DENY) Answer 1 Question 1. We can all agree that it is bound to happen so the question that remains is «Do we want it to happen?»

Robotics has experienced an unprecedented (GROW) Answer 2 Question 1 in the last few years, making real what a few decades ago only seemed science fiction yet that doesn’t mean we are ready or even (REMOTE) Answer 3 Question 1 aware of what is to come.

When people are surveyed (REGARD) Answer 4 Question 1 robots, (CONSIST) Answer 5 Question 1 two problems arise in every poll worldwide. First, many people are afraid or even (ANXIETY) Answer 6 Question 1 that a robot may take their jobs within a few years. The other concern stems from robots that look very much like humans and are more intelligent than us.

Although robotic vacuum cleaners taking over our society seems fairly (LIKE) Answer 7 Question 1 for our (GENERATE) Answer 8 Question 1, who is to say fully abled robots will not control our grandchildren’s