1- Look at the 6 pictures above. What can you see in the pictures?
2- What is the best gift that you have ever been given? Who gave it to you and why?
3- At what time of year do people often give gifts in your country or culture?
4- When was the last time you bought someone a gift? What did you buy them?
5- What is a gift that you got as a child that you will always remember?
6- What's the worst gift you have ever received? On what occasion was it given to you?
7- Does your family spend a lot on gifts for birthdays? How about Christmas?
8- What gift that you would love to receive from someone soon? Who from?
9- What's the maximum amount of money you would spend on a gift? For whom?
10- Do you spend much effort wrapping a present when you buy it for someone?
11- Have you ever been given a voucher for a store? What did you buy with it?
12- How do you feel about homemade gifts? Are they better than ones bought in a store?
13- If you had to buy a gift for your mother or father tomorrow, what would you buy?
14- Do you shake and squeeze wrapped presents to try to guess what they are?
15- Would you be happy to receive a gift that was secondhand? What would you like?
16- What is the best time of year to buy gifts that are cheap where you live?
17- Has anyone ever tricked you with a gift? What kinds of gift tricks can people play?
18- What kind of wrapping paper would you use for a gift for your best friend?
19- How would you react if you received a present from a good friend that you didn't like?
20- When do you expect to buy someone a gift next? Do you have any plans for it?