b) She said th
c) They said that she is reading a book.
III. Direct Speech: "We will visit Paris
next month."
Reported Speech:
a) He said that they would visit Paris the
following month.
b) She said that they will visit Paris the next
c) They said that they will visit Paris the
following month.
IV. Direct Speech: "He plays basketball
every Saturday."
Reported Speech:
a) She said that he played basketball every
b) He said that he plays basketball every
VI. Direct Speech: "I have visited London
Reported Speech:
a) He said that he had visited London before.
b) She said that she visited London before.
c) They said that they have visited London
VII. Direct Speech: "She sings
Reported Speech:
a) He said that she sang beautifully.
b) She said that she sings beautifully.
c) They said that she sings beautifully.
VIII. Direct Speech: "They are eating
lunch right now."
Reported Speech:
a) He said that they were eating lunch right