
Me pueden ayudar por favor:

1. Find synonyms in the texts.



Each week we ask you to get in touch and tell us about your culture and traditions. This week, we're looking at myths, legends and fairy tales from around the world. Here are some of your top posts on our website.

'This is a story about the creation of life. In the beginning, there was only darkness everywhere. Suddenly, a yellow circle appeared and in it there was an old man with a long beard. He was a god called The Creator. When the Creator opened his eyes, there was light. Then he put his hands together and a girl appeared. He called her the first goddess. As the days passed, he created more gods by rubbing his hands together. Then the Creator told the other gods: 'Let's make the Earth. Put your hands in mine.' When all the gods put their hands together, a ball fell from the Creator's fingers and the Earth was finally created.

Maya, USA

2 There are many myths about fairies in the UK. One of the common themes of these stories is the tricks fairies like to play on humans. In some of the tales these tricks are simple jokes, but in others they bring real harm to humans. This is the case of the changeling, where a fairy would go into the mortal world and take a human baby, leaving behind a different baby in its place. While it looked like a human baby, the changeling didn't cry or experience emotion or eat human food. The changeling was only content when there were terrible things like suffering or disease in the house. William Shakespeare even wrote about a changeling baby in one of his most well-known plays, A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Ray, England

3 Fionn mac Cumhaill was the leader a fearless group of mythical warriors in Ireland called the Fianna. When he was a young boy, he was sent to live with a very wise man named Finnegas. For years, Finnegas had tried to catch the Salmon of Knowledge. It was said that the first person who tasted this fish would become very wise and know more about the secrets of the natural world than any other person in Ireland. One day, Finnegas and Fionn caught the fish. Finnegas couldn't believe his luck and ordered Fionn to cook it for him immediately. But while he was cooking, Fionn burned his finger and he put it in his mouth to help with the pain. Immediately Finnegas knew that Fionn was now the wisest person in Ireland and he was very sad.

Breda, Ireland"





(Ya lo intente con estos y NO SON:

happy: joyful

illness: sickness

famous: renowned

brave: courageous

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