INSTRUCTIONS:Complete the conversations with the simple pastillas forms using the negative and interrogative forms of the verbs in parenthesis.

1. A: Do you know where Martin_______(be)born?
B: Yes, New York, But he_________(not/grow up) there, He grew up here in Kansas.
A: Oh, I see. When did his family move there?
B: I think they came in 1992. They_______(be) in Dodge City firs, AND then they_______(move) to Wichita.
A: I see. So that explains his accent!

2. A: Hey, Jim. Where__________(be)you last night? We waited for over an hour.
B: I_________(not/be) very well, I'm fraid. I__________(have) a cold.
A: Why didn't you calle me?
B: I_____________(do)It, but the line was busy allá the time. Anyway, how was the meal?​

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