Read the text and complete the sentences. Are you brave enough to dive into the shark tank? Don’t worry, there’s no chance of getting eaten and you (probably) won’t have to swim. This shark tank is an American TV show that audiences love. You might think that it’s a wildlife programme, but you’d be wrong. Shark Tank is a reality show and a game show at the same time, and, in this tank, there are real rewards to be won for the survivors. The idea is simple. Contestants with business ideas present them to the sharks. The ‘sharks’ are, in reality, business people who have run successful businesses themselves, so they know exactly what works. If a ‘shark’ likes an idea, then they will give money to make the contestant’s business dream a reality. It’s not easy, though. The ‘sharks’ can be rude and demanding, but that’s because the money a winning contestant gets really does come from the ‘shark’! Shark Tank is a version of a TV show that started in Japan in 2001 called Tigers of Money. Other versions of the show have been broadcast all around the world with the same success. The UK version is named Dragon’s Den and it’s just as popular with UK audiences. Over the years, the show has featured lots of celebrity guests including businessman Richard Branson and actor Ashton Kutcher. Popular with TV audiences, Shark Tank has been a critical success, too - it has been nominated for lots of awards and has won several times. Shark Tank has been so successful that there is even a companion show called Beyond the Tank which looks at what the contestants featured on the show have been doing. After a decade on TV, Shark Tank shows no sign of losing popularity. Contestants are queueing up to appear in this highly entertaining series. So how about you? Do you have what it takes to swim with sharks?
1 In the past, the ‘sharks’ ran successful businesses themselves.
2 The money in Shark Tank .
3 Shark Tank is based on a show in .
4 Beyond the Tank is about .

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