Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in present progressive tense.

Hey! Do you want to hear about what my family (do) ________ ________(1) right now? Well, I hope you do, because I am going to tell you! Right now, my dad (work) ________ _________ (2) outside. I can see him. He (mow) ________ _________(3) the grass. He loves my mother very much. He (always, talk) _______ ________ ________(4) about her. He (always, do) _______ ________ _________(5) nice things for her. Right now, my dad (sing) _______ _________(6) a song. I bet it is a song about my mom. Now, let's look at my mom. She (cook) _______ ________(7) something in the kitchen. It smells so good! She (put) _______ ________ (8) some kind of spices into the pot. The pot (sit) _______ ________(9) on the stove. The water (boil) _______) ________(10) inside it. Also, something (bake) _______ ________(11) in the oven.