
Steve and Jenna are going on a trip tomorrow. Complete their conversation with words from the two boxes. Choose a verb or thing for each blank. Verb Thingcheck give pack waterconfirm give away pay empty lock turn off bills front door plants weatherflight plan house keys suitcase fresh food lights trash Steve: Are we ready to go? Did you (1.) the (2.) in the kitchen? empty trashJenna: Yes, I took it outside already. Did you (3.) the (4.) so we don’t have to worry about late payments while we’reaway?Steve: Yes. What about clothes? Did you remember to (5.) your (6.) with everything you’ll need?Jenna: Yes, and I (7.) the (8.) for Paris. It looks like it will be sunny all week!Steve: Great! Now I’ll just go to the airline website to (9.) our (10.) .... Everything’s on time.Jenna: That’s good to hear! OK, what’s left? Did you (11.) the (12.) so they don’t die while we’re gone?Steve: Yes! And we should (13.) our (14.) toMrs. Brown next door so she can get in if she needs to. Jenna: Good idea. And let’s (15.) this (16.) before it goes bad. Do you think she would like these apples?Steve: I’ll bring it over. All right. (17.) the (18.) so we don’t waste electricity. And (19.) the (20.) on your way out. Jenna: I think that’s everything! Let’s go

Respuesta :

Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:

Steve: Are we ready to go? Did you (1.) empty the (2.) trash in the kitchen?

Jenna: Yes, I took it outside already. Did you (3.) pay the (4.) bills so we don’t have to worry about late payments while we’re away?

Steve: Yes. What about clothes? Did you remember to (5.) pack your (6.) suitcase with everything you’ll need?

Jenna: Yes, and I (7.) checked the (8.) weather for Paris. It looks like it will be sunny all week!

Steve: Great! Now I’ll just go to the airline website to (9.) confirm our (10.) flight plan .... Everything’s on time.

Jenna: That’s good to hear! OK, what’s left? Did you (11.) water the (12.) plants so they don’t die while we’re gone?

Steve: Yes! And we should (13.) give our (14.) house keys to Mrs. Brown next door so she can get in if she needs to.

Jenna: Good idea. And let’s (15.) give away this (16.) fresh food before it goes bad. Do you think she would like these apples?

Steve: I’ll bring it over. All right. (17.) turn off the (18.) lights so we don’t waste electricity. And (19.) lock the (20.) front door on your way out.

Jenna: I think that’s everything! Let’s go


Steve: ¿Estamos listos para partir? ¿Vaciaste la basura de la cocina?

Jenna: Sí, ya la saqué afuera. ¿Pagaste las facturas para que no tengamos que preocuparnos por los pagos atrasados ​​mientras estamos fuera?

Steve: Sí. ¿Qué pasa con la ropa? ¿Recordaste empacar tu maleta con todo lo que necesitarás?

Jenna: Sí, y verifiqué el clima de París. ¡Parece que hará sol toda la semana!

Steve: ¡Genial! Ahora iré al sitio web de la aerolínea para confirmar nuestro plan de vuelo... Todo está a tiempo.

Jenna: ¡Es bueno escuchar eso! Bien, ¿qué queda? ¿regaste las plantas para que no mueran mientras no estamos?

Steve: ¡Sí! Y deberíamos darle las llaves de nuestra casa a la señora Brown de al lado para que pueda entrar si es necesario.

Jenna: Buena idea. Y regalemos este alimento fresco antes de que se eche a perder. ¿Crees que a ella le gustarían estas manzanas?

Steve: Lo traeré. Está bien. Apaga las luces para no malgastar electricidad. Y cierra con llave la puerta principal al salir.

Jenna: ¡Creo que eso es todo! Vamos.

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Michael Spymore

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