
Ancient History LOGIN SIGN UP
A Great Civilization
The Incan civilization started in the
Andes mountains in Peru. The Inca
tribe moved to the Cuzco region in
the Andes in the 12th century. The Inca
were excellent architects and engineers,
and we can still see many of their
achievements today. They built the
settlement of Machu Picchu about 8,000
feet up in the mountains. The Inca lived
there for about a hundred years.
The tall mountains made building difficult
across the whole region, but the Inca
still managed to create an amazing road
system. It was over 25,000 miles long,
with two main roads and many smaller
ones. People still use some of those
roads today.
Incan villages were also amazing. The
Inca built a system of pipes to carry
water, so there was fresh running water
in houses and on farms. Also, many Incan
buildings are still standing today because
the Inca cut stones and made them fit
perfectly together.
Today, people from all over the world
travel to Peru to admire the wonders of
the Incan civilization.


B. Read again and answer the questions.
1. How long did the Inca live in Machu Picchu?
2. Why was it difficult for the Inca to build roads?
3. How long was the Inca road system?
4. How did the Inca get water to their houses?
5. Why can we still see many Incan buildings today?

Ancient History LOGIN SIGN UPEXPLORE TODAY BIOGRAPHIES ARTICLES SEARCHA Great CivilizationThe Incan civilization started in theAndes mountains in Peru The Incat class=

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