10. The boOKS
IV. Completar las oraciones con los verbos en presente simple.
2. She abook in the sfternoon ( read)
3. He
4. They
5. The cat
6. We
7. She
8. He
9. The sun
10. Birds
to school every day. (walk)
a book in the afternoon. (read)
the guitar in the evenings. (play)
TV after dinner. (watch)
on the sofa. (cat)
to the gym on Mondays. (go)
coffee in the morning. (drink)
in a bank. (work)
in the east. (sun)
in the morning. (sing)
11. My mother and I
to eat pizza on Fridays. (like)
very well. (dance)
a red car. (drive)
12. She
13. He
14. They
15. The store
16. She
17. He
18. The train
their grandparents on weekends. (visit)
at 9 AM. (open)
English at a high school. (teach)
emails every day. (write)
at 8 PM. (leave)
soccer on Sundays. (play)
19. We
20. The dog
at strangers. (bark)