
3. You work at the new department
store downtown....?
a) do you
b) aren't you
c; don't you
4. Mercury and Venus are closer to the
sun than Earth, ...?
a) are they
b) isntit
c) aren't they
5. You usually buy your lunch at the
company cafeteria, ...?
a) don: VDJ
b) arent you
c) haven: you
6. You already own a car. You won't
buy another one, ...?
3) have you
b) will you
c; do you
7. (A) Jenny hasn't already left, ...?
(B) No, she hasn't.
a) has she
b) hasnt she
c; didn't she
8. (A) I need to buy some aspirin.
(B) There's a pharmacy nearby....?
a) isn't there
b) is there
c) there is
cual es ayuda Porfabor ​

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