
omplete the letter with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
Hello Karen,
How are you? I am very happy at this language school. Every day, I 1)
(travel) to school on the bus. I normally 2)
(arrive) at school at 8:00 AM
to take my English classes, and at 10:00 AM I go to the cafeteria to have a snack I
(chat) with my friend Lauren at lunch. She 4)
(be) from Atlanta. She is very intelligent and she always 5)
Unfortunately, yesterday 6)
the bus 7)
teacher 8)
(help) me
(be) terrible. First, it was very cold. Then
(arrive) late, so I missed my first class. Then the math
(prepare) a surprise test. 19)
(not be)
(fail) the exam! I hope tomorrow is a better day.
prepared so I 10)
Please write back soon,

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