2. I am thin now, but I
overweight when I was a kid.

4.1 used to
a) used to be b) used to
drink whiskey, but he does now.
3. Harry didn't use to
a) didn't use to
live in a flat.
c) used to do
b) didn't used to
c) often used to
a) used to
b) use to
c) used to do
5. We
a) didn't used to b) didn't use to
hate school. We were always on time for classes.
c) didn't use to do
Activity 2. Complete the conversation with the correct forms of used to.
A: Do you think you've changed a lot in the last five years?.
B: Yeah, a lot. I didn't
A: Yeah, me too. Also, I
B: Well, that's cool.
work full time, so I had a lot more time to party.
date a lot of different girls, but now I have a girlfriend.
A: Yeah, we'll probably get married. Anyway, I remember I never
home before 4 a.m. on weekends.
B: Yeah, I always
stay out late, too. Where did you
A: To live music clubs, mostly. I
go to Disco Music a lot. They always had
great bands.
Ayudenme por fa no se resolver y ya me toca presentar!!!!​

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