Choose the correct sentence.
a) My brother has a car red big.
c) My brother has a big red car.
b) My brother has a red car and big.
d) My brother has a big car red.
do you do? I'm a shop assistant.
a) How
b) Where
c) What
d) When
3. My husband usually
five miles every day.
a) walk
b) walks
c) walked
d) walking
you pass me the sugar, please?
a) May
b) Must
c) does
d) Will
b) has got
6. Is she married? Yes,.
a) she's
b) she is not
5. "How old is your sister?" "She ...... twenty."
a) has
c) is
d) are
c) she is
d) she isn't
7. "How does she go to work?" "She always comes.
a) in
b) by
c) on
d) at
She goes there every day......... morning.
a) in the
b) on
c) at the
d) for the
9. Yesterday I......... to work.
a) will go
b) didn't went
c) didn't go
d) go
10. Where. ?
a) live the Browns
b) does the Browns live
c) do the Browns live
d) do the Browns lives
11. This is the..........student.
a) good
b) bet
c) gooder
d) best
12. She is Anne. Tom and Mary are.
a) her
b) his
c) their
d) our
13. Mary has two cats........... cats are very nice.
a) His
14. I work hard during the week, and relax........... weekends.
a) in
15. This is Peter and these are......... brothers.
b) Her
c) Their
d) Whose
b) over
c) at
d) under
a) their
a) our
a) Who
16. How old is your mother?........... forty-three.
a) He
17. My brother and I are dark, but.........sisters are fair.
does she get up?" "She gets up at seven o'clock."
b) What time
19. people are there in the class?
b) his
b) You're
b) their
c) he's
d) him
c) She's
d) She has
c) your
d) -
c) Where
d) How
a) How
b) How much
c) How many
d) How a lot of
a) Do / cook
your mother.......... on Sundays?
b) Do / cooks
c) Does / cook
d) Does / cooks

1Choose the correct sentencea My brother has a car red bigc My brother has a big red car2b My brother has a red car and bigd My brother has a big car reddo you class=

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