Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Past Simple.
1....... to the cinema last night (You/go)
2. David ......... an interesting book last month (read)
3.i ......... My hair on saturday afternoon (wash)
4. He .......... his presents on Christmas morning. (open)
5. "How many shirts ......... ?" "Only one." (you/buy)
6. I looked for my glasses but I ........ them. (not/find)
7. I wasn't hungry so I ....... anything (not/eat)
8. What ...... for breakfast (you/have)
9. They ....... married they years ago (get)
10. A - what was that noise
B - I ........ anything (note/hear)

Respuesta :


1. **went** to the cinema last night. (You/go)

2. David **read** an interesting book last month.

3. I **washed** my hair on Saturday afternoon.

4. He **opened** his presents on Christmas morning.

5. "How many shirts **did you buy**?" "Only one."

6. I looked for my glasses but I **didn't find** them.

7. I wasn't hungry so I **didn't eat** anything.

8. What **did you have** for breakfast?

9. They **got** married years ago.

10. A: "What was that noise?"

B: "I **didn't hear** anything."