Look again at the information sources in previous exercise, read the Skills box, and answer the questions.
When you need to evaluate
if an information source is helpful for a topic you
are researching about, look at the titles, pictures, and read the first text lines.
Do this to select reading materials effectively so that you don't waste time
reading information that is not useful for what you are doing.
Who is the information in these sources for? Adults? Children? Or both?
What graphic elements can you recognize in each source?
Simple seametric shapes and images
How did these elements help you know what the topic is in each source?
Get Will present information to the user or reader clen
and accurately
Which source do you think will give objective information?
Which source do you think will give opinions about the topic?
You are going to participate in a round-table discussion about a topic related to Civics and Ethics.
Brainstorm topics about Civics and Ethics that
are interesting for you.
These are some of the options:


Personal identity and self-care
Subject of law and human dignity
Freedom as a fundamental human right and value
Valuation of diversity, non-discrimination and interculturality
Equality and gender perspective
Peace culture
Ways to deal with conflict
Justice as a reference for coexistence
Criteria for the construction and application of norms and laws for democratic life
The role of the authority in the application and enforcement of rules and laws
Democracy as a basis for reflection on issues that affect us, decision-making based on the common go
and action accordingly
Citizen participation in the dimensions: political, civil and social, and its implications in practice
Make a list of sources where you can find information on the topic that you selected.