Choose the best option among A, B, C or D.
He is very good at Math,
a. is he
b. isn't he
a. is she
b. isn't she
a. did they
b. were they
a. can you
b. can't you
a. are they
b. aren't they
She goes to school by bus,
They didn't play well in the last match,
You can speak four foreign languages,
There has been no rain for the last five
a. does there
b. doesn't it
Everyone is ready, aven't they?
c. didn't they
do you?
c. do you
days, has there?
c. has there
d. isn't it
d. doesn't she
d. weren't they
d. are you
d. hasn't there
d. isn't it
c. is it
c. does she
c. is it
Everything has been done,
a. have they
These books aren't yours,
b. haven't they
c. has it
d. hasn't it
a. are these
That's Bod's,
a. is that
b. aren't these
c. are they
d. aren't th
b. isn't that
c. is it
d. isn't it
No one died in the accident,
a. didn't they
I'm right,
b. did he
c. didn't he
d. did th
b. am not I

c. do l
d. don'

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