1 Complete the text with too, too much, too many and enough (Completa con la frase correcta)
In general, my opinion of the film is quite negative
There was
talking and not
action! The long dialogues
weren't interesting
were also (4)
the plot was (5)
characters, so
And the ending? It was (6)
Don't watch this film!
2 Match the pairs of sentences. (Unir las oraciones con la que corresponda)/3
1. A ticket costs £4.50 and I've got £5.00
2. A ticket costs £4.50 and I've got £4 00
3. Seven people live in a flat with two rooms.
4. Two people live in a house with six bedrooms
5. I can't carry my bag because it's full of books
6. I can't do all my homework tonight.
A. It isn't big enough for them.
B. I haven't got enough money
C. There are too many books in it.
D. I've got enough money.
E. I've got too much work to do
F. It's too big for them.
3 Complete the dialogue with too, too much, too many or (not) enough. (Completa el diálogo con la frase
Zac How about going to the cinema?
Lydia I can't. I haven't got (1) enough
Zac Well, why don't we watch a film here instead? We've got lots of films
Lydia Wow! I can't decide what to watch. There are (2)-
films to choose from.
Zac How about this one? I love it. It's about a boy who wants to be an actor, so he goes to
Hollywood and...
Lydia Stop! If you give me (3)-
predictable. I don't like knowing (5)
it on
information, it'll be (4) -
things about a film before I see it. Let's put

1 Complete the text with too too much too many and enough Completa con la frase correctaIn general my opinion of the film is quite negative13There was1talking a class=

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