Complete each dialog. Type the superlative form of the adjectives into the blank.

Pat: This is a really big crowd. Are the crowds usually this big at soccer games? Bea: Not really. This is ____ crowd I've ever seen at a game.

2Jackie: What's wrong, Dean? Have you had a bad day? Dean: Bad? This has been ____ day of my life.

3Josh: Liv is a good announcer. Is she as nice as John? Amy: No one is as nice as John. He's ____ guy I know.

4Tony: Can you handle an important story like this? It's ___ one we've had in a long time. Talia: I've worked on important stories before. Well, OK, not this important.

5Talia: I know I can get this story! I'm a good researcher! Amy: You're not just good, Talia. You're ____ researcher here.

6Reporter: This is the ____ locker room I've ever been in. What's going on? Player: It isn't usually this quiet. In fact, a couple of guys just had a big argument.

7Zach: Oh, good. These tickets to the soccer game aren't really that expensive. Ted: That's because I bought ____ tickets they had.

8Wanda: I have to leave very early tomorrow for a meeting. Bob: According to the schedule, ____ bus leaves at 5:30 A.M.