Trai 1. The guests were amazed by the
statues in the garden.
(A) color
(B) colorful
(C) colors
(D) colorfully
2. The rise in steel prices has resulted
in a
increase in our production
(A) considerably
(B) consideration
(C) considerable
(D) considers
3. While Jane was at college, she ......
to her sister every week.
(A) writing
(B) written
(C) write
(D) wrote
4. The project team found it very
difficult to hide their over the
(A) disappoint
(B) disappointing
(C) disappointedly
(D) disappointment
5. I heard that the board gave our
project proposal a very...... review.
(A) favor
(B) favorable
(C) favoring
(D) favorably
6. The delegates seemed to find the
presentation very......
(A) interests
(B) interest
(C) interesting
(D) interestingly

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