ayúdenme por favor
HOJA DE TRABAJO: Oraciones, Oraciones Imperativas, Oraciones Interrogativas. Voz Activa y Voz
Yes/No Questions in English
Write a short positive and negative answer to each question, e.g.
is he married?
1. Od you watch the tam last night?
2 Coates have lungs
3. Have they gone?
4. Can I have a lift into town?
[tex]$ Do you know my sister? 6. Does the bus leave in an hour? 7 Amilate? 8 Could they afford to move here? $[/tex] Did Shakespeare live here?
10 Has Tommy told you his joke?
11. you wait for me?
12 is it cold outside?
13 Would be better to get a loan?
14. Are we going to th
15 Hans she finished a
16 Can I have
17. s David's bro
18 w you get
are now?
that game?
19 Are the team going to win?
20 Have you got a new jacket?
• Yes, he is
No he sol

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