1. **If he goes out, he will get wet.** 2. **If you don't hurry up, we will miss the bus.** 3. **If we win this match, we will be the first in the league.** 4. **If I don't go to university, I will look for a job.** 5. **If I get a good job, I will buy a car.** 6. **If I forget to do my homework, my teacher will get angry.** Matching: Condition and Probable Result Let's match the conditions with the probable results: 1. **If we win this match, we will be the first in the league.** - Probable result: We will be the first in the league. 2. **If you don't hurry up, we will miss the bus.** - Probable result: We will miss the bus. 3. **If I get a good job, I will buy a car.** - Probable result: Buying a car. 4. **If I don't go to university, I will look for a job.** - Probable result: Looking for a job. 5. **If I forget to do my homework, my teacher will get angry.** - Probable result: My teacher will get angry. Questions matching the sentences Use "What" and the verb in parentheses: 1. **What will happen if we win this match?** - ¿Qué pasará si ganamos este partido? 2. **What will happen if you don't hurry up?** - ¿Qué pasará si no te das prisa? 3. **What will you do if you get a good job?** - ¿Qué harás si consigues un buen trabajo? 4. **What will happen if you forget to do your homework?** - ¿Qué pasará si olvidas hacer tu tarea? Rewriting the sentences starting with the result Start with the result and then mention the condition: 1. **We will be the first in the league if we win this match.** 2. **We will miss the bus if you don't hurry up.** 3. **I will buy a car if I get a good job.** 4. **I will look for a job if I don't go to university.** 5. **My teacher will get angry if I forget to do my homework.** Completing the sentences Complete the following sentences: 1. **If I pass all my exams, I will be very happy.** 2. **If I don't pass all my exams, I won't be very happy.** 3. **If I visit England this summer, my teacher will be happy.** 4. **If I don't visit England this summer, my teacher won't be happy.** Questions for your friend Ask your friend questions using "What," "Who," "Which," and "Where": 1. **What book will you read if you read a book this weekend?** 2. **Who will you play with if you play tennis this weekend?** 3. **Which magazine will you buy if you buy a magazine?** 4. **Where will you go if you go for a walk?** 5. **What CD will you buy if you buy a CD?** 6. **Where will you go if you go out tonight?**​

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