A. Read the following article about Betty's Healthy life.
Betty has a healthy life. She wakes up around 5:00 a.m. in the morning and gets up
at 5:15 a.m. Then, she does exercises in her bedroom. After that, she takes a shower
and has breakfast with her mom. She loves having breakfast with her mother because
they talk a lot and read the newspaper together. Betty is ready to go to work. She
works from 8:00 am to 5:00 p.m. She drinks water during the day, and she doesn't eat
fast food. She usually has salads and meat for lunch. Betty likes running after work.
So, she runs every evening. She enjoys running. She runs almost every day. She runs
two miles a day. On the weekend, she runs five miles. She runs up hills. She runs
downhill. She runs in the street and on the sidewalk. She runs on trails. She runs in
the heat and the cold. She runs on sunny days and rainy days. Betty wants to run in
a 26 miles marathon next year. So, Betty needs to run a lot to get ready for the
B. Based on the previous reading, answer the following questions. Give short and precise
answers. (6 points, 1 point each correct answer)
1 What does Betty do after she gets up?
Short Answer
Why does she like having breakfast with
her mom?
What time does she start to work?
4 What does she drink during the day?
What does she like to eat for lunch?
What sports does she practice?

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