Respuesta :



En la sala de estar:

Emma: Hey Jack, have you seen my phone charger?

Jack: I think it's in the kitchen. I saw it there this morning.

Emma: Thanks! I'll go check.

Emma va a la cocina y encuentra el cargador.

Emma: Found it! It was right where you said. Thanks again!

Jack: No problem. Hey, are you ready to leave soon?

Emma: Yeah, just need to grab a few things. I'll be ready in a minute.

Jack: Okay, I'll start packing up the car then.

Emma: Great, thanks!

Después de unos minutos, están listos para salir.

Emma: Alright, I'm good to go.

Jack: Perfect. Did you lock the front door?

Emma: Yes, I just did.

Jack: Alright, let's hit the road then!

Emma: Let's go!

Salen de la casa juntos.

Este es un ejemplo básico de cómo podría ser un diálogo casual en una casa entre dos personas.