Should be in the present simple or the present
1. He
-- (live) with his parents at the
2. Some areas of Italy
(become) drier.
3. She
(work) as a lab technician.
4. She
(plan) to study for a degree.
5. I
(have got) two sisters.
6. In her job, she
(answer) the phone.
7. People
(live) longer and longer.
8. This month they
(work) on a new
2. Decide if the verbs should be in the Past Simple or
Past Continuous.
Story 1
It was a hot day, so I
lunch. Outside, the children
(decide) to prepare salad for
(play) in the garden.
Suddenly I -- (hear) a loud noise, followed by a scream. I
(run) outside to see what
Story 2
On my first day at work I was a bit nervous. I
was too nervous to eat.
- (get) up
(have) a shower, and
(drink) some coffee. I
(look) very smart. I
(wear) a suit
(notice) that
- (try) to
(get) on
- (walk) to the bus stop and
- (think) I
and my best shoes. I
(wait) for the bus. While I -- (wait), I
people (look) at me in a strange way.
ignore them, and when my bus (arrive)
and (find) a seat. 30 minutes later, I -
office. Just as I (get) off the bus, I
- (wear) shoes of different colours...
- (realise) that I
(arrive) at my
- (look) down and