
1. Circle the correct answers.

1. He went to university and he studied to be an *inventor / engineer*
2. I love the colorful *designs / ruins* on the wall. They're very beautiful..
3. After dinner, the children *continued / cut* playing board games.
4. Can you help me *attend / carry* this big box, please?
5. There is a *group / market* of students in that classroom.
6. They live on the *statue / island* of Crete, Greece.
7. There are twelve *inches / miles* on this ruler.
8. I have some beautiful pictures from my vacation. I want to *upload / measure* them on my blog.

1 Circle the correct answers1 He went to university and he studied to be an inventor engineer2 I love the colorful designs ruins on the wall Theyre very beautif class=