Copyright © by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill
JUN 20
Lesson 16
Direct and Indirect Objects
A complement is a word or a phrase that completes the meaning of a verb. A direct object
is one type of complement
. It answers the question what? or whom? after an action verb.
Alex built a model airplane. (Airplane answers the question Alex built what?)
An indirect object is also a complement. It answers the question to whom? for whom? to
what? or for what
? after an action verb.
Alex gave me a model airplane for my birthday. (Me answers the question Alex gave a
airplane to whom?)
Exercise 1
b. Circle each direct object.
Not one member of the Flowers family had a green (thumb
1. Spread the good news far and wide.
2. Richard the Lionhearted ruled England for only ten years.
3. Perhaps Ginny could locate the missing set of keys.
4. Jill hung her clothes outside in the sunshine.
5. The rescue worker wouldn't leave the building without the little boy.
6. Ted McElwee teaches shop classes at the local high school.
7. The uncapped pen leaked ink all over the desktop.
8. After days out on the sea, Martin welcomed the sight of land.
9. Eenie colored the Easter eggs a myriad of bright shades and patterns.
10. Devona gave the old car a complete tune-up.
11. Rose plays the harp and the harmonica, but (thankfully) not at the same time.
12. These new shoes are pinching my feet.
13. Henry raked the leaves and stuffed them into garbage bags.
14. You, too, can write mystery plots.
15. The ocean sounds lulled Patti.
Exercise 2 Circle each direct object. Draw one line under each indirect object if there is one.
Could you give me a hand with this, Carly?
1. Aunt Sue sent the manufacturer a letter of complaint about her broken Handy-Dandy machine.
2. I bowled a 125 in the tournament.
Unit 2, Parts of the Sentence 79