
3) Use the prompts to make a question. Then write a short answer.
a) 07.05/John / having breakfast?
It's 07.05. Is John having breakfast? No, he isn't.
b) 08.00/he/go to school?
c) 09.30/ he / sit / class?
d) 12.00/John and his friends/play/football?
e) 12.45/ you / have / lunch?
f ) 19.15/John and his family / have / breakfast?
g) 21.15/he/relax?
h ) 22.30/ you and your family / watch / TV?
4 ) What's happening in your body right now?
Use the prompts to write sentences.
a) blood / circulate / around my body
Blood is circulating around my body.
b) my heart/pump / blood
c) my lungs / absorb / oxygen
d ) my diaphragm / move / up and down
e ) my heart/beat
f ) my lungs / produce / carbon dioxide
g) my stomach / digest / food
h ) chemical reactions / happen / my cells
i ) my eyes / send / messages to my brain
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