nesecito las respuesta de este dialogo que esta en ingles
Here are the completed dialogues:

Dialogue 1
Daughter: Dad, could you take me to the city centre this afternoon?

Father: Of course. I can drop you there after lunch if you want. I also need to go downtown because I am meeting a client at 3. Where do you need to go?

Daughter: To the library. I need to get a couple of books that I need for university.

Father: No problem. I can drop you there on my way to the office.

Dialogue 2
Roy: What time are you leaving tomorrow?

Valeria: Very early. I am catching the 6.50 train.

Roy: Do you have the ticket?

Valeria: Not yet, because I will buy it online when I arrive home.

Dialogue 3
Ruth: I am going out for a drink with Jessica this evening. Would you like to come?

Sandra: No, I am finishing the book I am reading. I need to finish it before tomorrow.

Ruth: Why do you need to finish it for tomorrow?

Sandra: Because I am meeting my friends from the reading club tomorrow afternoon.