Future Continuous Tense
1. Put the verbs into the correct form of Future Continuous.
1. At midnight we (sleep)_
2. This time next week we (sit)_
3. At nine I (watch)_
4. Tonight we (cram up)
at the beach.
the news.
for our English test.
5. They (dance)_
all night.
6. He (not/play)
all afternoon.
7.1 (not/work).
all day.
8. (eat/you).
at six?
9. (drive/she)
to London?
10. (fight/they)
11. Tomorrow morning we (work)_
12. This time next week we (have)
13. At midnight I (sleep)_
14. This evening we (watch)_
15. They (not/do)_
16. He (listen)
a party.
a talk show.
their homework this afternoon.
to music.