Buenas noches estimado lector(a), disculpe la molestia, me pudiera ayudar con mi tarea de inglés por favor, es para mañana doy coronita
Rellena lo siguiente:
1. ___ whole milk was spilled.
2. He is ___ European boy.
3. ___ higher you go, ___ cooler it is.
4. We saw ___ snake in ___ grass.
5. ___ handle of this jug is durable.
6. He came here ___ hour ago.
7. ___ topic we are discussing, is very interesting.
8. She gave me ___ book.
9. He read ___ book I gave him.
10. ___ less your work,___ less you again.
11. I have ___ bag of rice.
12. ___ river is full of water.
13. We rode ___ elephant.
14. He hit himself with ___ stick.
15. ___ rich old lady bougth ___ beatiful necklace.​