
According to experts, doing puzzles keeps our brains fit and (HEALTH) Answer 1 Question 1
. As well as gaining (SATISFY) Answer 2 Question 1
from finding the correct answer to a difficult problem, we give our brains a good workout in the process. To help us do this, all sorts of handheld ‘brain games’ are now available in the shops, and the most (SUCCESS) Answer 3 Question 1
games have sold in their millions.

What’s more, people (COVER) Answer 4 Question 1
that the more they play the games, the easier it is to find a (SOLVE) Answer 5 Question 1
to the problems posed. They see this as proof that there has been an (IMPROVE) Answer 6 Question 1
in the power of their brains. Unfortunately, however, this may be a false impression.

Some (SCIENCE) Answer 7 Question 1
argue that the brain gets better at any task the more often it is repeated. In other words, the improvement in the (PERFORM) Answer 8 Question 1
of the brain is something that happens naturally. So although these brain games are obviously fun to play, it remains (CERTAIN) Answer 9 Question 1
whether they are actually helping to boost brainpower or not.