
25pts Complete these sentences with can, can't, could, couldn't, must, mustn't or the correct form of have to. 15pts 1. At our school we 2. You 3. My mother 4. My wife 5. I 6. In Britain you. wear a uniform. (not) smoke on public places. play the guitar very well when she was young (not) go to work today. It's a holiday. (not) play tennis now. I have got a terrible headache. drive on the left. 7. We 8. She 9. In Spain, teachers 10. You 11. Pinguins (not) feed the animals. It's forbidden. (not) go to work today because she is sick. work on Saturdays. (not) use the elevators in case of fire. (not) fly, but they _ swim very well. 12. Soldiers 13. Excuse me I 14. I obey orders. (not) hear you right now. The music is too loud. (not) go to the party last night because I was busy.​